Threefix - a performance game Usual deal, someone is giving clues to get someone else to guess a word. However, this time the cluer doesn't know the answer either (at first). For any given round, there are three players: the Writer, the Cluer, and the Guesser. The Writer is given a card with an answer word printed on it, and must come up with a three-word clue for the answer, and write that clue on the card. For example, suppose the answer word was BEATLES; the Writer might write "FOUR LIVERPUDLIAN GUYS". There is a whiteboard which the Cluer and the audience can see, but the Guesser cannot see. The first letter of the answer word and the first letter of each of the three clue words on the card are written on the whiteboard: B ----------- F L G The Cluer must come up with some clue matching the letters on the whiteboard; they do not need to have an answer word in mind, they just need to say something that matches the three prefixes so far available. The Guesser makes a guess based on the clue, even though at this point, the cluer's clue is unlikely to actually be cluing the correct answer. For example, based on the above letters, the Cluer might say, "funny looping glue", and the guesser, with nothing else to go on, might say "Elmer's". More letters are added to the whiteboard, and the cluer keeps giving clues, until the Guesser gets the word. Doesn't matter whether the Cluer gives the "correct" clue, only whether the Guesser gets the correct word. BE ----------- FO LI GU Cluer at this point might say "folky liquid guys". The person writing the letters onto the whiteboard from the card can add letters slowly (and not necessarily in order), so that at this point, maybe just adding this much: BEA ----------- FO LIV GU might be sufficient for the Cluer to say "four liverpool guys", and the Guesser to get the answer.